Energy Healing For Your Well-Being.

Reiki with Daoud

60 minutes

Take advantage of our new Reiki service performed by experienced Reiki practitioner Daoud Abeid. Through his healing hands, you can inspire physical, mental and psychological wellness, release of thoughts and feelings that no longer serve you and experience an energetic reset. Following the session there is an opportunity for a brief check in to receive some insights in regard to what was experienced. View the Our Team page of our website to learn more about Daoud.

Available Wednesdays, 1pm - 5pm.

Book Reiki Session

*Please keep in mind that Reiki is designed to inspire energetic releases mentally, physically, and emotionally, but these results are not guaranteed and vary person to person.

BOOK ONLINE OR CALL 347-461-9939.


Thursday: 9am-1pm